Happy New Year, everyone!
In 2012, oxoxo
Looking back at the last year, we tried to new domains for us such as collaboration with bands, product design. Also, we got many chance to exhibit art works all around Japan.
Thank you for coming to our exhibitions and events.
This year, we will create more exciting artworks and offer you more attractive experience. We will through some events at our studio. Please feel free to come.
Thanks once again. Enjoy the New Year!
Drops of Light – Won Japan DSA Design Space Award 2012 (Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center)
Our installation art work “Drops of Light” exhibited at Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center in 2011 was received DSA Design Space Award from Japan Design Space Association.
You can see the artwork in Annual of Space Design in Japan 2013 Displays, Signs & Commercial Spaces. Please check it.
Exhibition Schedule in December
We will have several events in Tokyo on December. Please check following stuffs.
12/3(Mon) – 14(Fri) Kita-Aoyama ∞ KOBE BIENNALE
10:00~18:30 ※12/9(Sun) is holiday, Free!
Orie Art Gallery
12/3(Mon) 17:30- Kita-Aoyama ∞ KOBE BIENNALE Opening Reception Event (Free)
Orie Art Gallery
12/9(Sun) 12:00- Elecontest
3331 Arts Chiyoda
12/9(Sun) 15:00- oxoxo [zero by zero] Christmas Party
oxoxo [zero by zero]
Yokohama Jaraku-tei – Sanyutei Yujaku, play with Jazz –
We will install our installation artwork, “Brilliant Noise” in the stage of Japanese Rakugo of Sanyu-tei Yujaku 三遊亭遊雀 on Nov. 25 (sun) at Yokohama Jaraku-tei, Kannai Hole.
We can’t even imagine how it would be like… But it must be fun! Please come to see the special collaboration.
○Date :Nov.25(Sun)
Open 12:30 /Start 13:00(End 16:00)
○At:Kannai Hole・Small 関内ホール・小ホール○Performers:Sanyu-tei Yujaku [三遊亭遊雀]
Pikkoro ECCO [ぴっころECCO](Ventriloquist)
oxoxo [zero by zero](Installation Art)○Ticket:Advance 3,000 yen/At Door 3,500 yen
★Special Pair Ticket(30 groups only)5,500 yen●Infomation
MOT Communication / MOTコミュニケーション
TEL 050-7100-0167(Mon~Sat 11:00 ~ 19:00)
Email info@mot-com.jpYou also can get tickets on Internt:
Brilliant Noise

We exhibited an installation work “Brilliant Noise” at Kobe Biennale 2011, MMM2012 (Minato Media Museum).
Human voice, car noise and sound of train running above this space affect brightness of bulbs.
In this work, activity in the town is expressed through the movement of light. Along with sounds in the city that would normally go unnoticed, flickering light is used to visually express people’s movements. The sound are flashing light conveys the energy of the city.
KOBE Biennale 2011
During the event, we provided this space to artsits for their performance. Many live events and broadcasting a radio program were thrown here.
Minato Media Museum 2012
[flickr album=72157630870281044 num=5 size=Medium]Brilliant Noise Permanent Exhibit
Now you can see a part of this work at Planet EartH (Motomachi, Kobe), Kokyu (Nishichiba, Chiba). Please visit them.
White Dots Surface
Various patterns are appeared by pinch action
If you zoom in/out the image by pinch gesture, the pattern is changed.
This artwork was nominated for Graphic Grand Prix by Yamaha. 30 artworks out of 1585 passed the first screening. It’s important to get good reputation in SNS for final screening. Click “Like” Plz! >>http://www.graphicgp.jp/works/09.html