Zero By Zero – The art of sound and light in the palm of your hand2024-11-17T08:13:12+00:00

Coming Soon – Tokushima LED Art Festival 2013

April 17th, 2013|

Tokushima LED Art Festival 2013 will soon be held from Apr. 20 to Apr.29 at Tokushima-pref, Japan.
oxoxo [zero by zero] will also exhibit the installation, Senko [flash]. Please come to see our work.

Photos when we were installing (facebook):

The Rainbow Flowers in the Sea

April 1st, 2013|

We will display a new installation artwork “The Rainbow Flowers in the Sea (海に咲く虹の花 in Japanese)” at KOBE Biennale 2013 Art in a Container International Competition thrown at KOBE, Hyogo Prefecture from Oct.1 to Dec.1.
Please come to enjoy it!

The event is offering English webpage. Please check out the following page:

Related Information

We exhibited an art work “White Dots Room” at KOBE Biennale 2011 Art in a Container International Competition and won the second prize.
Please review it!
White Dots Room

Senko [Flash]

January 27th, 2013|

We will display a new installation artwork “Senko [Flash]” at Tokushima LED Art Festival 2013 thrown at Tokushima Prefecture from Apr.20 to Apr.29.
Please come to enjoy it!

The event is offering English webpage. Please check out the following page:

Brilliant Breaths – Kokyu 10th Anniversary

January 13th, 2013|



We will exhibit an installation, “Brilliant Breaths” at Kokyu

[呼吸] 10th Anniversary at NISHICHIBA cafe STAND on Jan. 19 (Sat).

Event: Kokyu 10th Anniversary
Date: Saturday, January 19, 2013 – 18:00 start
Loc: Nishichiba cafe STAND (google map)

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