

カレイドスカイ [kaleidosky]

  六甲ミーツ・アート「芸術散歩2010」にて新作 カレイドスカイ [kaleidosky]を出展しました。 2010/11/23まで展示されています。 六甲の美しい空と風をカレイドスカイでお楽しみください。 Our new installations, "Kaleidosky" is exhibited at the ROKKO MEETS ART Festival. This installation is a large kaleidoscope are changed by the sky and [...]

2021-10-10T18:43:38+00:00September 18th, 2010|作品|

Talking Mirror

Talking Mirror [2010] The sound vibrates the big mirror. Your face, body and the background are distorted in time to music. This sound installation art was displayed at "Sense of [...]

2021-10-10T18:43:38+00:00August 24th, 2010|作品|


Kicker [2010] 音楽にあわせて白布が様々な形に変化する。 The aspect of the white cloth is changing by the sound. Exhibitions discommunication vol.02 at MOGRA AKIHABARA 13/MAR/2010 nagisa music festival [渚音楽祭・春] 11/APR/2010

2021-10-10T18:43:40+00:00March 13th, 2010|作品|


Sparker [2010] 音楽に合わせて光の粒があらゆる方向に動く。音楽を光の動きに変換し、可視化することに挑戦した作品。 Grains of light are moving to the music. Music is visualized by the motion of lights. with light weight mesh,High-power Amplifier,Super Woofer Speaker,UV light. Exhibitions discommunication vol.02 [...]

2021-10-10T18:43:40+00:00March 13th, 2010|作品|

Portable Big Speaker

高効率デジタルアンプを使う事で軽量,電池駆動,大音量を実現したパワードスピーカー。 ちょっとしたお遊びで制作。

2021-10-10T18:43:40+00:00February 7th, 2010|作品|


[flickr album=72157612918667737 num=30 size=Square] Sound + (Something) -> Air vibrations are visualized 2009 Acrylic board, Water, Air, Speaker

2021-10-10T18:43:41+00:00January 25th, 2009|作品|


The aquarium and the small speaker are on the Overhead Projector. Ripples of water generated by music are projected to the wall. [flickr album=72157626449939571 num=30 size=Medium] [Please seek to 1:00] [...]

2021-10-10T18:43:41+00:00September 2nd, 2008|作品|